Experiential Learning Program

Joshua: Opportunities help uncover solutions

Joshua finds a fresh start at Boys Ranch. “I’m learning things that I’ve never known about or how to do!” said Joshua, 16, describing his ongoing adventure at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch. “I’ve learned about soil ...

Experiential Learning Program — Learning In & Outside the Classroom

The role of education is to equip a learner with the intelligence, skills and knowledge necessary to bring positive changes to their existence. At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, we help our young people obtain the kind ...

Boys Ranch producing face shields for first responders

Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch has long taught our young people that in any situation, if there is a way to use your talents to help your community, it’s important to do so. Right now, during the ...

Nate: A path to fulfill his potential

Nate finds good people, who truly care for and appreciate him When Nate first heard he was going to live at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch in 2014, he envisioned a place at the end of a ...

Boys Ranch youth participating in national hawk conservation program

Counting kestrel hawks is now on the mind of some of the youth at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch. Many of the adults who are aware of the national Kestrel Nest Box Project are also excited about ...

Armando: A family icon

Armando eyed the tanned-leather boots inside their glass case. The bright blue of the shaft stood out, even 29 years after their creation. When Armando came to Boys Ranch six years ago, he learned that a ...

With your help,

each day is a new day to change his future.

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