Blessings of Supporting Boys Ranch

Blessings of Supporting Boys Ranch

Written by Randall and Janet Treadwell- Donors of Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch

It was 21 years ago when a friend invited us to the Annual Boys Ranch Rodeo. We saw the facilities, met staff members and learned about the programs. It was amazing! While some of the interventions in the lives of children were after neglect or abuse, there also was programming in place to assist before bad situations developed. We saw people and programs that carried out the love of Christ every day to help children in need. We believe God takes any support given to Boys Ranch and vastly multiplies it into blessings for children who otherwise wouldn’t have such opportunities in their lives.


Many Boy’s Ranch children come from less-than-optimal environments. The safe, nourishing atmosphere of Boys Ranch allows children to know a

stability in life that many would never have known. There is a satisfaction in knowing these

children do not have to worry because people truly care for their future.


Through the efforts of houseparents and other staff at Boys Ranch, children can come to know God-like, unconditional, consistent love; our prayers and support grow our love for them and Jesus.


It is pure joy to witness children have the opportunity of a secure life where they are cared for and cared about.


When we return year after year for rodeo weekend, the mental, spiritual and physical growth of children can be seen and challenge us in our own walk for God.


Some children come from environments where the guarantee of the next meal does not exist and when a meal is to be had, it may not be a meal that supports positive mental

and physical development. Nutritious food is never a worry for the children at Boys Ranch. Being a donor gives you solid assurance you are sustaining basic physical needs.

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.”


Through the on-campus clinic initial healthcare needs are met. Any medical needs not met there are cared for through referrals to in-town doctors, other specialists, and hospitals as needed. Financial support helps children obtain health care.


The quality school system coupled with experiences and opportunities ranging from culinary arts, fire-fighting, welding, photography, sports, and raising livestock (to name just a few) opens doors to knowledge that can be used for a lifetime. Supporting extracurricular activities provides opportunities for children to develop teamwork, leadership, and goal-setting.


Houseparents, counselors, caseworkers, chaplain staff, teachers and administrators become people that many children consider their family and are life-long positive role model examples. It is common to see staff members going far above and beyond to ensure the children can have opportunities for life-changing activities.


Disappointment can be a blessing. A goal that sometimes is reached when working with children at Boys Ranch is the restoration of a positive family environment for a child and their family. Watching a child grow for years while at Boys Ranch is wonderful—and then suddenly one year the child is not at the Annual Boys Ranch Rodeo. However, they are gone because the Boys Ranch staff worked with the family – and the child – so that they are now able to live and function positively. It is time to rejoice! Yes, it is disappointing not getting to see that child — but it is pure joy in knowing a family was restored!


While last in this list, salvation is also the most important outcome. The atmosphere at Boys Ranch is based on Christian beliefs. The children have opportunities to learn about Jesus and accept Him as their Savior—which gives a foundation for a better life now and an eternity with God.

The return on investment in Boys Ranch cannot be outdone— every contribution makes a positive difference in the life of a child. Boys Ranch provides the opportunity to let children know God’s love. These are children who might never know the love or pride of a parent can know God’s unconditional love. Houseparents, staff and supporters of Boys Ranch make a difference now and for generations to come. Children can know they are loved and someone is proud of them. You can help by giving time and money so Boys Ranch children and families have a chance.

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