Alexis is bouncy, bubbly and cheerful. She looks to the bright side and talking with her is fun.
With Alexis, everyday life turns into an adventure – like the time all of the girls in Lutz Home plus their houseparents went on a journey looking for a lost dog together. That was a fun day.
“I really like to go on walks,” Alexis said. “I like to go on drives. I like to play basketball. I like going to the mat room and practicing gymnastics. I like playing in a sprinkler when it’s hot outside. I love rain.”
Alexis likes spending time with horses, goats and the giant pig, Turbo. She plans to have a project pig when she’s old enough for FFA, like the older girls in Lutz Home. She is planning to practice all summer so she can compete in the Boys Ranch Annual Rodeo in the fall.

Hoping to Make Two Dreams Come True
The seventh-grader is working on getting her grades up.
“My favorite class is math, because I made the highest grade on my test in the whole seventh grade,” Alexis said. “It was a test about circumference and area.”
After school, Alexis enjoys spending time at the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics lab, honing her spatial skills and critical thinking.
Alexis has two dreams: She wants to become a doctor, and she wants to reunify with her family.
The first dream is the easiest: Boys Ranch is committed to children, even after they leave the ranch. When Alexis is ready academically, she can apply for a Boys Ranch scholarship to help her complete medical school. She has already shown an aptitude for the math and science she will need. The second dream is harder.
“I can’t live with my mom right now,” Alexis said.

Learning Self-Confidence and Positivity
“Boys Ranch has given her so much confidence in herself and her choices,” said Rebecca, who has guardianship of Alexis. “She went from almost failing her classes to an A average. I’m so grateful to Boys Ranch.”
Alexis said she has learned at chapel that she is salt.
“We’re the salt of the world,” Alexis said. “We bring light into people’s lives. Every day, we make someone smile.”
Each night, Alexis works on staying positive, thinking of something that she is grateful for that day and thinking about how to be salt.
While Alexis continues down the path of self-improvement, her needs are being met by donors who give generously and want only the best for this fun child and all her promise.
“Thank you,” Alexis said.