Helping Children

Childcare is always evolving

In the last 80 years, thousands of people have found hope and healing at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch. To better understand the journey Boys Ranch is on today, you must first understand the path on which ...
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The roads we travel make us who we are!

Have you ever taken a cross-country road trip? If so, it’s likely you knew your destination at the outset. Long before you strapped on your seatbelt, you surely pulled out the atlas, sat down and explored ...
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Corey: Romersi was home

Corey remembers being one of the first girls on ranch Decades removed from childhood, Corene, or “Corey,” as she prefers, still gets emotional when she talks about growing up in the loving arms of Cal Farley’s. ...
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Chris: Learning by example

“It helps me a lot to know there are a lot of people in the same situation I’m in,” Chris, said of his peers at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch. “I learn from them … I learn ...
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Rayjne: Learning that you can always start over

“Growing up, I felt like no one loved me and they all wanted to judge me because I wasn’t with my real family,” Rayjne, 16, remembered. “I felt like I didn’t get the love that they ...
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Armando: A family icon

Armando eyed the tanned-leather boots inside their glass case. The bright blue of the shaft stood out, even 29 years after their creation. When Armando came to Boys Ranch six years ago, he learned that a ...
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With your help,

each day is a new day to change his future.

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