Helping Children

Employee training ensures great care, better outcomes for youth

Providing loving care to children who need help turning tragedy into triumph is the primary focus at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch.  Helping a child’s heart cope with wounds caused by the absence or abuse of others ...
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What’s over the horizon?

So, what’s next? As Boys Ranch begins its 81st year, and with such a history of commitment, knowledge and innovation, what lies around the next bend for us? As an industry, the trends point toward a ...
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Experiential Learning Program — Learning In & Outside the Classroom

The role of education is to equip a learner with the intelligence, skills and knowledge necessary to bring positive changes to their existence. At Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch, we help our young people obtain the kind ...
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Boys Ranch and FFA —Staying true to the blue and gold

For more than 60 years, the highly recognized dark blue corduroy jackets with the National FFA emblem embroidered across the back have hung in the closets of group homes at Boys Ranch. It was 1955 when ...
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Brain mapping helps set best course for children

The children who come to Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch bring with them a variety of needs. “The help they find in our therapeutic community — a place of safety and peace, routine and consistency — they ...
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A stop on the path, not the destination

“Wow, what you’re doing here at Boys Ranch is incredible! I had no idea such cutting-edge work was happening here!” That’s a pretty common reaction from visitors to our Oldham County, Texas, campus. Sometimes, our guests ...
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With your help,

each day is a new day to change his future.

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