Boys Ranch youth, Kadan, receives DAR Good Citizen Award

Kadan, 18, a Boys Ranch youth, wrote an essay and entered it in the Esther McCrory Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) 2019 Good Citizen Award competition earlier this year. Today, he and 12 other seniors from area high schools were recognized by DAR in Amarillo, Texas.

As part of the presentation, Kadan and other winners read a portion of their essay to the audience of about 85 parents, educators and members of DAR. Kadan’s essay addressed the need for young people to step up and use their leadership skills to help shape this country’s future.

“We should be looking for ways to shape the character of this country,” he said. “We need to get this country back to the way it was intended to be run, with respect and dignity.”

Students were chosen 70% based on academic and community leadership and 30% on their essay. DAR has been presenting these awards since 1934.

Pictures from DAR award presentation

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