Michelle Maikoetter

Boys Ranch Chief Program Officer Named Catherine Hershey Administrator Of The Year

Boys Ranch Chief Program Officer Named Catherine Hershey Administrator Of The Year Having been at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch since 2007, Michelle Maikoetter, chief program officer, was given one of the highest honors for those working ...
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A girl sits under a tree, holding a bottle to feed a goat.

Hannah is Learning Regulation for Better Relationships

Hannah is a precise thinker. Numbers are fun for her, and math is her favorite class. She enjoys riding, not to mention petting goats and playing with dogs. In fact, Hannah likes just about everything at ...
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Brain mapping helps set best course for children

The children who come to Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch bring with them a variety of needs. “The help they find in our therapeutic community — a place of safety and peace, routine and consistency — they ...
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Staff spotlight: Michelle Maikoetter

A look at the men and women making a difference in children’s lives. Michelle MaikoetterTitle: Chief Program Officer Other positions held here: Assistant Administrator for Girls and Pre-Adolescents, Senior Vice-President of Residential Programs How long employed ...
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Boys Ranch experts see potential, not problems

Among the attributes that makes Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch such a unique therapeutic environment is our commitment to removing obstacles, real or imagined, to our children’s success. In part, that’s an outgrowth of our emphasis on ...
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Understanding ‘survival’ thinking

Think back to a moment in your life when you were terrified. Perhaps someone startled you, and the momentary scare wasn’t real. Or, on the other hand, maybe there was a threat. If so, you likely ...
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each day is a new day to change his future.

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